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AERC, the American Endurance Ride Conference
provides services for sanctioning Endurance Rides in North America. Current Rules of Competition, Records of past competitions, and Calendars of future events are maintained by the AERC.
Ride Calendar
Horse Histories
Rider Histories
Ride Results
Point Standings
AERC Drug Policy (PDF)
New Rider Information
Education & Tips for Endurance Riders
AERC Educational Series Videos
What is Endurance Riding? (and much more!)
AERC Regional Mentor list
AERC Mentor Handbook
The American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC)Website
AERC Rider's Handbook
AERC new members page
Email discussion group for Endurance
What to expect at your first ride (AERC)
25 Tips for a Fun Ride - Judy Etheridge (AERC EN Oct 05)
Safety and Etiquette for Endurance and LD riders (AERC)
Some good training articles and videos from
Jim Holland
K. Chaton's
Education Page
Endurance Basics
by Genie Stewart-Spears, reprinted from Arabian Horse World
Getting Started: Beautiful Trails & Competition
from Equine Canada HorseLife Magazine
Getting Started: Q&A
from Equine Canada HorseLife Magazine
The Nine Points of Saddle Fitting
by Stacey Nedrow-Wigmore, from Equisearch.com
Check for Back Pain and Saddle Fit
by Joyce Harmon, DVM, from Equisearch.com
The Bit Gallery
, from Equisearch.com
, from Wikipedia.com
, from Wikipedia.com
, from Wikipedia.com
Assessing Your Equine's Overall Fitness
by Terre O'Brennan
Conditioning for Your First Endurance Ride
(pdf), from SERAonline.org
Is Your Horse Fit? The Physiology of Conditioning
, from the Alberta (Canada) Ag-Info Centre
Training for Endurance
by Jim Holland, from SERAonline.org
Tips and Hints on Endurance Riding
, from olddominionrides.org
Elecrolytes: Sweating the Small Stuff
by Ken Marcella, DVM, from DVM, the Newsmagazine of Veterinary Medicine
Recognition and Management of Fluid and Electrolyte Changes in Equine Athletes
by Arthur B. King, DVM, from octra.on.ca
What to Pack in Your Endurance Crewbag
by Karen Chaton
Right on Schedule: Trailer Maintenance
by Sharon Biggs, from TheHorse.com
Trailering Articles
from Equisearch.com
Horse Trailering Information
from the Ontario (Canada) Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs
Books by Endurance Riders, for Endurance Riders!
(before you order anything, check to make sure they are still in print!)
Tevis Cup Magic by Merri Melde
Endurance...Years Gone By by Lori Oleson
Ride Like Potato by Potato Richardson
Strike a Long Trot by Shannon Sewell Weil
Horse My Heart by Nancy Morgan Reed
Camptown Races by Sandra Adams
America's Long Distance Challenge II : New Century, New Trails, and More Miles by Karen Bumgarner
...but it wasn't the horse's fault! by Julie Suhr
Ten Feet Tall, Still by Julie Suhr
Endurance 101 by Aarene Storms
4th Gear - Power Up Your Endurance Horse by Dennis Summers
Man & Horse: The Long Ride Across America by John Egenes
Tevis, From the Back of My Horse by Sharma Gaponoff
Endurance - A French Perspective by Leonard Liesens
Go the Distance: The Complete Resource for Endurance Horses
All Horse Systems Go: The Horse Owner's Full-Color Veterinary Care and Conditioning Resource for Modern Performance, Sport and Pleasure Horses by Nancy Loving
The Tevis Cup: To Finish Is To Win by Marnye Langer
The Complete Guide to Endurance Riding and Competition by Donna Snyder-Smith
Endurance Riding by Ann Hyland
To Finish is to Win: One Woman's Riding Adventures by Dodie Sable
The Lighter Side of Endurance Riding by Angie McGhee
Endurance Riding: From First Steps to 100 Miles by Clare Wild
Endurance Riding from Beginning to Winning by Lew Hollander
Endurance Riding - Tips for Beginners by Cornelia Koller
America's Long Distance Challenge by Karen Paulo (Bumgarner)
And Miles to Go: the Biography of a Great Arabian Horse, Witez II by Linell Nash Smith
Endurance Riding: Conditioning & Competition Log Book
Conditioning the Gaited Horse* for Endurance: *and Other Horses , Too!
Endurance Horse Riding: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginner to Seasoned Campaigner
The Endurance Horse: A World Survey from Ancient Civilizations to Modern Competition
The Endurance Horse: A World Survey from Ancient Civilizations to Modern Competition
Endurance Start to Finish
One Horse, One Hundred Miles, One Day: The Story of the Tevis Cup Endurance Ride
Endurance and Competitive Trail Riding
A comprehensive list of Endurance Blogs and Such
A comprehensive list of Endurance and Distance Organizations
A whole smorgasbord of Endurance.net/Endurance ride videos!
Info and Resources for Ride Managers
Best Condition calculation -Google Docs Excel spreadsheet
(courtesy Carol Giles)
You must Copy or Download this file as an Excel file (in the Google Docs File menu) to use it.***
Forms and Information
AERC Ride Manager Handbook
AERC Ride Calendar
AERC Forms and Info
Endurance Photographers!
The Equestrian Vagabond - Merri Melde
Steve Bradley
Boots ’N’ Bloomers Photography - Lisa Chadwick
Dominique Cognee
Cristy Cumberworth
Photos by Demott - Peter Demott
Park City Photography - Vicki Gaebe
Lynne Glazer Imagery - Lynne Glazer
Karl Creations - Paschal Karl
Lisa Peck Photography
AZ Cowgirl Photography - Susan Kordish
Spectrum Photography - John W.F. Miller
Becky Pearman
Justus Photography - Linda Sherrill
Genie Stewart-Spears
William Gore
David Honan
Even more Videos!
Click here for the long list of Videos
Here's a few samples:
Arabian Silk
Endurance Riding - The Tevis Cup 2010
2013 Moab Endurance Ride Day 1
Intro to Endurance Riding